Featured Client: Hawden Group USA Inc: Office Design

  • Client Name: Marty Kurner, CEO, Hawden Group USA, Inc.
  • Type of Business: Office Design
  • Website URL: https://hawdengroupusa.com
  • Platform: WordPress with Responsive Theme by Elegant Themes
  • Positive Outcomes:
    • Created awareness of new product lines, COVID-19 services/solutions, and generated call-to-action for client consultations and new project opportunities.
    • Supported sales of $1M in projects from educational, government facility remodels, and COVID-19 office social distancing mandates.
  • Project Tags: branding, css3, content management system, front-end development, marketing, website, wordpress

Deployed a fully responsive website to show photos and descriptions of select office furniture (i.e. chairs, organization, and storage systems), as well as related services. Employed WordPress CMS, bootstrap-based framework with a customized child theme, and an interior design/furniture theme with photo gallery and project portfolio.

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